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Investing Gameplan™

by | Apr 27, 2022 | Brand Features, Research

Investing Gameplan™ by DreamWork Financial Group is a unique investing program that allows all investors, no matter their net worth, to access innovative wealth management strategies. Our fiduciary advisors create custom portfolios comprised of low-cost ETFs and individual stocks that help investors capitalize on opportunities that aren’t available with mutual funds.

With Investing Gameplan™ you have access to a full suite of investing services such as active trading and even financial planning. Historically, these services were only available to the very wealthy, but with DreamWork Financial Group, You Don’t Have to Be Wealthy to Have Wealth Management®.

What Makes Investing Gameplan™ Different?

Other investment firms group their clients into categories based on their wealth and risk tolerance. Then they apply a pre-packaged investment strategy with little customization. However, Investing Gameplan™ is different in a few key ways.

Experienced, Fiduciary Advisors

First and foremost, DreamWork Financial Group is a fee-only RIA. This means that our advisors are never paid trade commissions. Instead, we receive compensation in the form of a percentage of assets under management [AUM]. This compensation structure accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates the conflict of interest inherent in advisors being paid based on specific products or trades. Second, it ensures that our advisors make more when you make more.

Additionally, as a fee-only RIA, our advisors are held to a fiduciary standard. So, we are obligated by law to act in your best interest. When you invest with DreamWork, you can rest assured that all of our recommendations are in your best interest.

Our fiduciary advisors have extensive experience in growing wealth, and we keep a close watch on financial markets. By staying current on trends in each industry and sector, our advisors can help clients take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Client Input is Welcome

At DreamWork, we believe that every investor is unique, and their portfolio should be unique as well. We seek to create a financial partnership where client input is incorporated into all of our decisions.

In short, when it comes to your financial journey, you should have access to the driver’s seat, not be just a passenger along for the ride. Whether you want to invest in your community, support green energy efforts, or take advantage of an up-and-coming tech sector, DreamWork can tailor your portfolio to support your preferences.

To achieve a successful financial partnership, you need an advisor that will take your calls and answer your messages. At DreamWork, we are available for our clients. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas about your portfolio—we are available to listen and offer advice.

Investing Gameplan™ is Accessible

At DreamWork, we believe that all investors should have access to top-notch services and personalized advice. While other firms have lofty account minimums or offer fewer services to their smaller clients, DreamWork is different. We believe that You Don’t Have to Be Wealthy to Have Wealth Management®. So, there is no minimum investment amount or account balance to participate in Investing Gameplan™.

How Investing Gameplan™ Works

Investing Gameplan™ is an ongoing financial partnership where our advisors work with you to create a unique investment management strategy designed to reach your goals.  We accomplish this with the following process.

We Start by Getting to Know You

While other investment firms might have a standardized intake assessment to determine which of their pre-made portfolios matches your risk tolerance, DreamWork takes things a step further. We sit down with you and have an in-depth conversation where we get to know you and your unique goals. We also take the time to understand your priorities and values so that our advisors can craft a portfolio that matches not only your risk tolerance, but your investment preferences.

We Build a Custom Portfolio

Once we have a clear understanding of what you want your money to accomplish, we work with you to craft a portfolio that helps you reach financial success. You can be as involved in the portfolio creation process as you’d like. If you prefer a more hands-off approach, our experienced advisors will craft a portfolio that matches your goals and risk tolerance. If you have specific industries, companies, or regions that you feel strongly about, we look forward to hearing and incorporating your ideas.

Our portfolios are constructed with a base of low-cost ETFs and can be supplemented with individual stocks and our proprietary funds depending on your goals and preferences. We choose ETFs to form the foundation of our portfolios because they have no 12b-1 fees or loads and minimizing costs is an important part of achieving financial success.

Our Fiduciary Advisors Monitor and Reposition Your Account

The markets are everchanging and your portfolio should change with them. Our advisors closely monitor developments across industries and sectors and seek to position our clients to capture potential upside while minimizing risk. To this end, our advisors monitor our clients’ holdings consistently and rebalance when we believe it could be beneficial.

Levels of Service

Each investor has different needs and goals. This is why we offer several levels of service with Investing Gameplan™. Whatever your goals and budget are, there is an Investing Gameplan™ that can help you achieve financial success.

Passive Management

For just 0.5% of AUM, or $29.99 per month*, receive a custom portfolio of ETFs designed with your individual goals, risk tolerance, and investing preferences in mind. While we call this “passive management,” our fiduciary advisors still rebalance your portfolio approximately quarterly. This ensures the investment mix remains consistent with your long-term goals.

Active Management

For those seeking a more active role in the markets, there is an Investing Gameplan™ option for you. Investors in our Active Management program receive a portfolio core of passive investments plus an optimized mix of individual stocks and DreamWork’s proprietary funds. Our fiduciary advisors actively manage these portfolios – rebalancing regularly, while buying and selling securities as needed to maintain a mix optimized for your situation. All of this for just 1.0% of AUM or $39.99 per month*.

Proprietary funds are investment strategies designed to capitalize on a particular investing strategy or market trend. These funds vary in risk and are designed with a specific goal in mind. Some examples of these funds include:

  • Dividend Collector Fund – High dividend yield, low volatility.
  • Conviction Fund – A collection of stocks you know and should feel comfortable owning.
  • High Growth Fund – Handpicked high risk, high reward companies for those with speculative risk tolerance.
  • Bright Idea Funds™ – Funds designed to take advantage of opportunities in specific sectors like infrastructure, electric vehicles, or cybersecurity.

Active Management includes a more hands-on approach, with frequent rebalancing. As with all Investing Gameplan™ options, you also receive access to a fiduciary. Your advisor is happy to answer questions, hear investment ideas, and discuss progress toward your goals.

Financial Planning Add-On

If you need comprehensive wealth management in addition to investment management, our Financial Planning Add-On is the choice for you. For just an additional 0.5% of AUM or $50 per month*, receive a comprehensive wealth management plan with your Passive or Active Management portfolio.

Our plans quantify your long-term goals and include intermediate steps to help achieve them. We help reduce risk by performing an insurance analysis, crafting an estate plan, and choosing investments that match your risk tolerance.

A financial plan is a living document, so our advisors will work with you to update it as needed. These updates are included in your pricing. In addition, we offer ongoing support with topics like budgeting, saving, and managing retirement accounts. With a financial plan from DreamWork, feel confident that you are on the right path toward financial success.

*the monthly charge will be the greater of the two amounts listed

Get Started with Investing Gameplan™

At DreamWork Financial Group, we believe that all investors, regardless of the amount they have to invest, should have access to personalized advice from an advisor they can trust. So, with Investing Gameplan™, you can receive a custom portfolio crafted by a fiduciary advisor.

In the past, customized wealth management has been reserved for the very wealthy. But with Investing Gameplan™ you can access complex investing strategies with no account minimums. If you are ready to take the next step on your financial journey, contact us today.